Corrosive Gas Adsorption Analyzer
◆ 静态法吸(脱)附等温线;
◆ NH3,SO2 等强腐蚀性气体吸附;
◆ CH4,C2H4,C2H2 等烷烃类气体吸附 ;
◆ N2,CO2,Ar 等常规气体吸附;
◆ BET 比表面积及孔结构;
◆ 吸(脱)附热测定;
◆ IAST 竞争性吸附模拟;
◆ 多组分竞争吸附IAST理论模型:该理论模型可根据纯组分的吸附等温线,模拟计算得到混合组分竞争吸附等温线,用于多组分竞争吸附的理论预测;
◆ 压力传感器:采用原装进口压力传感器,每个测试位的压力传感器不少于2支,压力传感器测试精度优于±0.15%,且压力传感器可耐二氧化硫,氨气等气体的腐蚀。
◆ 气路系统:为了保证仪器的气密性,采用VCR硬连接的方式,同时仪器的管路,阀门等部位都必须耐腐蚀。
◆ 预处理:预处温度常温-400℃,控温精度0.1℃。
◆ 真空系统:配备双级机械真空泵+分子泵,分子泵压力可达到10-6 Pa,保证P/P0分压达到10-8。
◆ 控制系统:必须采用优质气控阀和电磁阀组合应用,避免单独使用电磁阀,彻底杜绝因电磁阀发热产生的气体受热膨胀问题。
1.文章名称:Absolute CO2/Xenon Separation in Ultramicropore MOF for Anesthetic Gases Regeneration
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(IF:16.8)_MOF_西安交通大学.pdf
2.文章名称: Efficient nitrous oxide capture by cationic forms of FAU and CHA zeolites
Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:16.74)_沸石分子筛_南开大学.pdf
3.文章名称:Control of Zeolite Local Polarity toward Efficient Xenon/Krypton Separation
Journal of the American Chemical Society(IF:16.38)_分子筛_南开大学.pdf
4.文章名称:Molecular Trapdoor in HEU Zeolite Enables Inverse CO2‐C2H2 Separation
Angewandte Chemie International Edition(IF:16.1)_分子筛_南开大学.pdf
5.文章名称:A Solution-processable Porphyrin-based Hydrogen-bonded Organic Framework for Photoelectrochemical Sensing of Carbon Dioxide
6.文章名称:Elucidating influences of defects and thermal treatments on CO2 capture of a Zr-based metal-organic framework
Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:15.1)_金属有机框架_汕头大学.pdf
7.文章名称:MIL-101(Cr) loaded simple ILs for efficient ammonia capture and selective separation
Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:15.1)_MOF复合材料_菏泽学院.pdf
8.文章名称:Methyl-functionalized flexible ultra-microporous MOF for efficient SF6/N2 mixture separation
Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:15.10)_MOF_中山大学.pdf
9.文章名称:Self-Healing Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Frameworks for Low-Concentration Ammonia Capture
Journal of the American Chemical Society(IF:15)_氢键有机框架材料_复旦大学.pdf
10.文章名称:Boosting trace SO2 adsorption and separation performance by the modulation of the SBU metal component of iron-based bimetal MOFs
Journal of Materials Chemistry A(IF:14.51)_MOFs_华南理工大学.pdf
11.文章名称:Precise Construction of Nitrogen‐Enriched Porous Ionic Polymers as Highly Efficient Sulfur Dioxide Adsorbent
Corrosive Gas Adsorption Analyzer
◆ 静态法吸(脱)附等温线;
◆ NH3,SO2 等强腐蚀性气体吸附;
◆ CH4,C2H4,C2H2 等烷烃类气体吸附 ;
◆ N2,CO2,Ar 等常规气体吸附;
◆ BET 比表面积及孔结构;
◆ 吸(脱)附热测定;
◆ IAST 竞争性吸附模拟;
◆ 多组分竞争吸附IAST理论模型:该理论模型可根据纯组分的吸附等温线,模拟计算得到混合组分竞争吸附等温线,用于多组分竞争吸附的理论预测;
◆ 压力传感器:采用原装进口压力传感器,每个测试位的压力传感器不少于2支,压力传感器测试精度优于±0.15%,且压力传感器可耐二氧化硫,氨气等气体的腐蚀。
◆ 气路系统:为了保证仪器的气密性,采用VCR硬连接的方式,同时仪器的管路,阀门等部位都必须耐腐蚀。
◆ 预处理:预处温度常温-400℃,控温精度0.1℃。
◆ 真空系统:配备双级机械真空泵+分子泵,分子泵压力可达到10-6 Pa,保证P/P0分压达到10-8。
◆ 控制系统:必须采用优质气控阀和电磁阀组合应用,避免单独使用电磁阀,彻底杜绝因电磁阀发热产生的气体受热膨胀问题。
1.文章名称:Absolute CO2/Xenon Separation in Ultramicropore MOF for Anesthetic Gases Regeneration
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(IF:16.8)_MOF_西安交通大学.pdf
2.文章名称: Efficient nitrous oxide capture by cationic forms of FAU and CHA zeolites
Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:16.74)_沸石分子筛_南开大学.pdf
3.文章名称:Control of Zeolite Local Polarity toward Efficient Xenon/Krypton Separation
Journal of the American Chemical Society(IF:16.38)_分子筛_南开大学.pdf
4.文章名称:Molecular Trapdoor in HEU Zeolite Enables Inverse CO2‐C2H2 Separation
Angewandte Chemie International Edition(IF:16.1)_分子筛_南开大学.pdf
5.文章名称:A Solution-processable Porphyrin-based Hydrogen-bonded Organic Framework for Photoelectrochemical Sensing of Carbon Dioxide
6.文章名称:Elucidating influences of defects and thermal treatments on CO2 capture of a Zr-based metal-organic framework
Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:15.1)_金属有机框架_汕头大学.pdf
7.文章名称:MIL-101(Cr) loaded simple ILs for efficient ammonia capture and selective separation
Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:15.1)_MOF复合材料_菏泽学院.pdf
8.文章名称:Methyl-functionalized flexible ultra-microporous MOF for efficient SF6/N2 mixture separation
Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:15.10)_MOF_中山大学.pdf
9.文章名称:Self-Healing Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Frameworks for Low-Concentration Ammonia Capture
Journal of the American Chemical Society(IF:15)_氢键有机框架材料_复旦大学.pdf
10.文章名称:Boosting trace SO2 adsorption and separation performance by the modulation of the SBU metal component of iron-based bimetal MOFs
Journal of Materials Chemistry A(IF:14.51)_MOFs_华南理工大学.pdf
11.文章名称:Precise Construction of Nitrogen‐Enriched Porous Ionic Polymers as Highly Efficient Sulfur Dioxide Adsorbent